Jesus was with his disciples celebrating the passover meal. As he was talking with them, Jesus declared that one of them would betray him. Of course this brought much confusion to them all. In Matthew, Judas asks “Am I the one?” In Luke the disciples ask each other, who is the one? Am I the one?
This question, “am I the one”, has been resonating with me the past few weeks. It has become quite profound for me to reflect on actually. Am I the one? Or, perhaps better, which one am I?
Throughout the Gospels, people were often asking this question about Jesus – Is he the one we’ve been waiting for? Some even wondered if John the Baptist was the one. Now John made it very clear that “the one” who was to come was so amazing that he wasn’t even worthy to untie his sandals. Yet Jesus clarified that John was “the one” who had been called to go before and prepare the way, the second Isaiah, and John lived that calling.
With respect to John, it is interesting to think about the time he was in prison and sent his disciples to Jesus to clarify if he was “the one” or should they look for someone else. After Jesus lists off all of the amazing things he did, he makes the crazy statement, “Blessed is the one who does not fall away on account of me.” What is interesting here is that Jesus, with all the good he had done for others, was not going to rescue John from prison, and John was going to be executed shortly after. Would John still choose to believe that Jesus was “the one” even if he didn’t come through as John would have liked?
Abraham was “the one” who asked to leave his home to a land he would be shown. Moses was asked to be “the one” to lead Israel out of Egypt. Jonah was asked to be “the one” to go to Nineveh, and he didn’t initially. And on and on we could go.
So I’ve been asking myself this question: which one am I? Am I the one to betray? Am I the one to deny? Am I the one who walks away because Jesus isn’t responding as I would like him to respond? Which one am I?
Am I the husband I am being called to be? Am I the father, the grandfather I am to be? Am I the neighbour, the friend, and church member? Am I the one?
And this question has been pushing me to think in the moment. Will I be “the one” this next hour as I attend this meeting and present? Will I be “the one” as I meet that person for discipleship and their growth in Christ?
When I am treated poorly in a situation, which “one” will I choose to be?
It is such a simple idea, yet it is having a profound impact on my thinking and my actions.
Which one am I being in my life, on this day, for this hour, in this minute? Am I the one that God is calling me to be? For the sake of his Kingdom?
Which “one” are you?
For the Kingdom.