Since I came to my position as a pastor at North Park Community Church in London, Ontario 11 years ago, I have been practicing what I like to refer to as life-on-life discipleship. As I have mentioned on numerous occasions in my writings, the format that I have used for this has been triads as I have found this very effective, although we must always remind ourselves that triads are only a means to guiding someone into a deeper relationship with Jesus, triads are not the end in and of themselves.
Over the years I have remained faithful to this. I have prayed for many guys to want to engage with this, and I have prayed that many others would step into the game and also lead others.
I have at times been excited at the progress and other times I have wondered if we would ever gain traction, whether what I was doing and promoting was really something that could spread out wide and far or if it would never be more than a niche ministry, after all, I’ve been doing this in my current context for 11 years and wasn’t seeing the expected return from my labour.
With this reality, the question for leaders is when do you give up on something and try other means to achieve your objectives? I know that I believe in this and would continue on but perhaps it would never become as widespread in my wider ministry context as I believed it could and should.
A few weeks ago I started to ponder the guys and gals that were engaging with life-on-life discipling relationships in triads. I wrote some names down and when they had begun the journey together. I was amazed that about 12 months ago we had a disproportionate number of triads begin, beyond anything that I had pondered previously. The majority were with men but a number of women have begun the journey as well. As I thought about this, I realized that in a year from now, we may have 15-20 individuals that are ready, willing and able to lead a triad on their own, meaning that we will need to have 30-40 new people that desire to be led in this way. Where will they come from? And, if all goes perfectly (which it won’t, I’m a realist), in 3 years from now, we will need another 90-120 people to take life-on-life discipleship seriously. Where will they come from? And with this many people engaging this way, what will it do to the dynamics our local church culture?
As I’ve been thinking about this, I’ve wondered if we have finally reached the tipping point that I have been praying about all of these years? That perhaps enough people have been involved and experienced life change and are now willing to make it a part of their reality, to carve out the time to make this part of their routine of life?
It’s fun to think about such things, and yet I realize that if this does begin to become a reality, it won’t go unnoticed and without a fight from powers that wish it would just go away. So I am praying for this next season of our church. I’m praying that many would want to continue on and lead others. I’m praying for their protection. I’m praying that stories of life-change get told and that others would step forward and desire to be led by someone so that they can lay down a solid foundation for their faith and life in Jesus.
If you are a part of this work, would you pray along with me? Wouldn’t it be energizing to be part of a local church community that had a disproportionate number of its members who were always on the lookout for two more people that they could build into so that they would then do the same. That is MY prayer, and I hope that it will also be OUR prayer.
For the Kingdom.