If you have experienced being in and/or leading a triad of people on a journey of discipleship, you realize that, on most occasions, you and those that you meet with are growing in a way that I refer to as “an inch a day.” You meet regularly, you engage in scripture, you share about your lives, you pray, and you trust God that you will grow. Most weeks you are glad that you met. You have gotten to know the two you meet with a bit more, and you could say that you understand God in a deeper way. That’s all. Nothing grandiose, just steady growth – and that is good. That is how growth typically happens.
And then there are those moments of growth that go POP! When you leave your weekly connection and you realize that something amazing is happening. You want to bottle it up as it feels like things are clicking in new ways. And yet, getting to that experience can take many forms, and sometimes, what leads up to this is actually very painful.
Such has been the case recently with my guys. There have been some life struggles that have led to deep prayer and frustration. There have been questions about how God is, or is not, showing up. In the midst of this, there has been transparency and blunt conversations as we have challenged each other, in particular one individual. At times we wondered if we were crossing a boundary of trust, wondering if we pushed too hard, and would this damage our relationships. And yet, deep down, you know that you’ve been doing the hard work of friendship building, that you only have the other guy’s best interests at heart and believe that they feel the same about you.
And then it happens, the POP! You meet and engage in a conversation that opens the flood gates. You sense that the seemingly difficult conversations have not been for naught. That something beautiful is being birthed right before your eyes and you are truly thankful that you can be a part of it. You leave your meeting that week with a new bounce in your step, with renewed hope that this works. That if you stick with the process, and commit to the disciplines, and do the hard work of friendship building, then God shows up. Not how you were expecting him to, not when you were expecting him to, but he shows up. Growth is taking place, in all of you.
Have you ever experienced this? Have you had the privilege of walking “through the swamp” with someone, not knowing where the end was, and coming out the other side being “surprised by joy”? Or have you chosen to stay shallow, to not engage in the difficult conversations, to let someone off the hook, and to play it safe? Are you doing the hard work of relationship building?
I am choosing more and more to enter into these conversations. I don’t always do them perfectly, I am learning more each one I enter into. There is always fear at the start, but I am always so grateful that I took the risk.
For those that you meet with, what are you modelling? Are you allowing for the tough conversations? Are you building trust? You may have some swamps to walk through, and yet, to experience the POP – there is so much joy in that.
May this be your reality as you lead others. May our discipleship encompass all aspects of life, the good, the bad and the ugly – there is no other way.
For the kingdom.