Wow, it’s been a long time since I’ve blogged. A lot has happened since I wrote last, and I’m sure you’ll get a glimpse of it as I write a series of blogs over the next few months.
I currently run an after school program in an under resourced neighbourhood in London, and have been doing so for the past year. In January, my awesome mentee has joined me at this program. (I should preface this by saying that I currently only mentor one individual.) We endure the chaos, the laughter, the doubts, and the creativeness together. All of it together. This is a neat experience for both of us. Here is what I have been learning along the way.
- She gets to see me in another context. At the after school program, or as the kids call, “campsite”, she sees me take on a leadership role, how I interact with kids, and how I deal with the stressful situations. She sees how I problem solve, hears my doubts and concerns, and laughs with me when the kids do something hilarious. At the same time though, I get to see her blossom into a leader as she observes the kids and sees which kids need some extra attention. I see her work one on one with kids and see the smiles on their faces when she’s with them. I listen to her observations of the days, and take in her ideas. It’s a great opportunity for us to grow together as we serve there, and then afterwards we sit down and chat about life and dig deep into the Word.
- We don’t just get to read about God’s command to serve, but we get to do it together. Over the past year we have done a few studies together and serving seems to come up a lot. It’s one thing to just talk about serving and serve separately, but it’s another to learn and serve together. On her own, she serves a lot, and we debrief about those times, but together, we learn about each other by actually seeing each other in that context, as stated above.
- It’s something we both enjoy. We both love working with kids, and have babysat together in the past and served in the children’s ministry at church before. Working with the kids at Campsite is natural for both of us. As it says in 1 Peter 4:10, “Each of you should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” God has given us both the gift of caring for kids, so asking her to help me was not difficult, knowing that she would be a good fit.
Over the past 5 months, we have had a great time being together at Campsite and building relationships with the kids we work with. I’m looking forward to continuing this routine and seeing how we grow and develop together and in our understanding of who God is.