A few years ago, I heard a quote that apparently Dallas Willard stated at one time. I can’t confirm it as I can’t find the place I heard it, yet it does sound like something he would have said, just to get us thinking.
He said (not a direct quote, but close), “I wonder if you can have such an intimate relationship with Jesus, that when you die, you won’t even know about it for a few days.” Now let that sink in for a moment. Forget about the idea that time will no longer exist after death, and don’t over think all of the logistical aspects of the statement. Just let the idea sink in. You are so in touch with your deep and abiding relationship with Jesus, that death is simply passing over a very thin, almost non-existent line, and you continue the conversation you were just having with him. Perhaps he even lets you know that you are no longer in your earthly form, with a smile on his face.
I’ve thought about this statement a lot over the years, and I love it. It’s what I want to experience. As such, I’ve come up with a phrase to help me continue to reflect on this for my own life.
“Living life on earth while leaning against heaven.”
If you could, you would have one foot in each location.
Some of this thinking has been the reflection I’ve been enjoying from the Gospel of John 14-17. Jesus, in his earthly form, had this incredible relationship with the Father. He had an ongoing dialogue with the Father, knew exactly what he was to do because of this amazing relationship with the Father, and had a longing to be right back to enjoy the “glory we shared before the world began.”
In John 15, Jesus also encouraged us to be fully connected to the vine, as a branch that received all that it needed.
With this relationship with the Father, Jesus could walk straight to the cross, knowing that in a moment he would once again be with the Father. He even told the one thief that “today you will be with me in paradise.” Just lean over the line and you are now embracing the beauty of heaven.
What would it look like to live our lives like this? To be fully engaged in whatever we have to do here on earth, while all the while leaning against heaven and sensing the full beauty of this? To be talking with a friend while hearing the voice of the Spirit at the same time. And hearing the voice of the Spirit and being prompted to speak a word to a passing stranger.
To live in the reality that there is only a thin veil between now and eternity.
I want to live life this way. Not to be so far into my life here on earth that I can’t hear from heaven. To only walk by this thin veil once in a while, perhaps while attending a Sunday morning service, or reading my bible in the morning.
No, I want to live every moment, both in this world (I have no choice, I’m here) while at the same time leaning against heaven. Fully aware of both at the same time.
And perhaps, as Dallas Willard stated: “I wonder if you can have such an intimate relationship with Jesus, that when you die, you won’t even know about it for a few days.”
For the kingdom.