I had coffee with a young man last week, just to hear his story of faith. I had met him previously at an event and we had had a brief conversation, but I wanted to hear more, the long version of his story – his God story.
I never grow old of how the Holy Spirit just shows up and pursues someone.
This particular story takes place in the country of Lithuania, where my wife and I spend about 5 months each year serving with an amazing church. This church is filled with people who were pursued by God and simply had to say yes.
For this young man, other than some Catholic church engagements growing up, his family had no significant connection to faith in Jesus. And he himself felt no draw to Christianity.
University years led him down a path of various and sundry “substance enjoyments”. Studying outside the country didn’t help things either. He moved back home.
“By chance”, he was invited to an event one evening that had some artists providing a training session and they “happened” to share their faith in Jesus. This led to him being invited to a church service where he invited his then girlfriend to. She was even more skeptical than he was. Yet when she walked into the service, she felt a hug, not from a person, but something outside of her. After the service a woman “randomly” came up and offered to pray for her. She wanted to say no and leave but found herself saying yes. It all changed from there.
Four years later, they continue to grow in faith, have gotten married, and are moving forward in life and faith.
For no one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them to me, and at the last day I will raise them up. As it is written in the Scriptures, ‘They will all be taught by God.’ Everyone who listens to the Father and learns from him comes to me. Matthew 6 (NLT)
As someone who is always watching for the next person God wants to send my way, my radar was ringing strong. Who is walking alongside this young man? Who will be available to help the roots grow deep?
Thus, we had coffee. So I could hear the long story, be encouraged, and ask the question: who is coming alongside you?
I never grow tired of these stories and the opportunities they provide to build into someone.
You have heard me teach things that have been confirmed by many reliable witnesses. Now teach these truths to other trustworthy people who will be able to pass them on to others. 2 Timothy 2:2 (NLT)
How about you? Have you enjoyed an amazing God-story lately? Did it make your heart leap in awe? Was your radar ringing? Did you consider what your role in this person’s life could be?
We are called to “make disciples of all nations”. We will each have various ways by which we will go about that, yet the call is still there.
I’m grateful for the opportunities to impact a life. How about you?
The Spirit shows up – be ready to serve.
For the kingdom.