So, what are your thoughts about the world these days and what is happening? I’m writing this in January 2024 and it seems like each week an entirely new conflict is launched. One more “strong man” is declaring evil on his part of the world. Governments are making decisions and trying to convince their constituents and other governments that they have the right way through this.
People talk to their friends, at church, in coffee shops, “over the fence” in their backyard with their opinions on who is right and who is wrong. Some of these conversations bring people together, some pull people apart.
How did we get here? And where is God in all of this?
Perhaps we are all being distracted by the big things and are missing the small things.
Recently I was guided through multiple scriptural reflections on the characters surrounding the birth of Jesus – Zecharian, Elizabeth, Mary, Joseph, the shepherds. All around them was chaos. Oppression from Roman leaders, heavy taxation, Jewish religious leaders trying to maintain a sense of control in the midst of it all.
And yet, God was doing his thing, the way that God so often does. Not in the big but in the small.
I’ve read these stories many times, yet this time, in a new way, the Spirit took me deeper. All of these unknown people, simply living life the best they could in their circumstances. Yet God was on the move, using who was willing to listen to his angels when they showed up and asked them to participate in a grand plan.
How often have we read these stories and perhaps laughed at the leaders of the time, yet then we get distracted by the leaders of our time and perhaps we are missing out on what God is actually doing. Maybe we are no different.
I believe we can assume that God is still on the move, in small ways, with people who no one would ever consider capable of being used by God. People who are simply and consistently seeking to know God more, to honour him the best they know how in the situation they find themselves in. And I believe that God is prompting them, not to do great things per se, but the small thing he has for them to do, the thing that is part of God’s great plan.
Perhaps an angel has even showed up in your life and asked you to step into something. Can you hear it, see it? Are you saying yes? Or are you too distracted by “Rome” and the “religious leaders” posturing that you aren’t aware that God is on the move, maybe even in your life.
A recent podcast I listened to gave a great description of Mary, the mother of Jesus, as the example of a true disciple. Mary simply said, “Use all of me.” And Mary didn’t hold back in even offering her womb in the way that God chose to use it.
So how about you? What are you looking for? What frequency is your radar set to? Are you distracted by the big stuff? Or are you seeing how God is actually moving, with the Zechariahs, Elizabeths, Josephs, Marys, Shepherds – and you.
For the kingdom.