I’ve been pondering the idea of tithing. Now I know that as soon as I say the word tithing, many, if not most of you will think about money. You can think about scriptures that talk about giving God the “first of your fruits.” Now this is all good. Personally, before anything else is spent, I have found that there is no greater spiritual rhythm for me than my tithe being given on the first of the month, no opportunity to reflect about whether I should do it or not, it just is. Yet as I have reflected on this, I have begun to think about this in the broadest sense possible, something I am calling “A theology of firsts.” What would it actually look like if I tithed the first of everything. Let’s think about this. The first moments of my day - a tithe of worship and reflecting on who God is and what He may want to reveal to me for the day ahead. The first conversation of the day with my spouse and/or my kids - to make it not about me but about them. To speak words of encouragement, to build them up. The first thing I do when I get to work - to offer the first 30 minutes to God and what he is doing in those that I have responsibility for. The first 20-30 minutes when I return home from work - offered as a tithe to my family, to hear about their day and enjoy the beauty that can come from family. So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Romans 12:1 MSG The first part of my vacation, offered as a tithe. The first day of each month. The first month of the year. The first minutes arriving at a party - seeking to serve others and not to be served. I’m still pondering this and thinking about how I could live this out. We must always remind ourselves that a relationship with God is not a set of rules but a way of living. It’s easy to live by a rule of financial tithing, giving your “first fruits”, but what if it means so much more than that. What if it was much more encompassing, more beautiful. You may recall Jesus words: “You have heard that it was said to the people long ago, ‘You shall not murder, and anyone who murders will be subject to judgment.’ But I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister will be subject to judgment. Matthew 5:21-22 Could we look at a Theology of Firsts in a similar way. “You have heard that it was said: tithe of your first fruits. But I tell you, give the first of everything, and every situation and circumstance. For in this way you honour your Father in heaven.” What would it look like if we adopted a Theology of Firsts? How would our relationships and communities be changed? Love to get your feedback on this. Let us know how this resonates with you.