What would it look like for a father and daughter, both who are engaging in ministry in a very similar context, to have a blog conversation? Is it safe? What could be expected?
Over the past few years, both Madison and I have posted blogs on this site. They were mostly around the art of discipling others in a small context (typically three people connecting weekly). We both have found the blogging process invigorating since it has allowed us to hone our thinking by forcing ourselves to articulate what we believe about a specific topic. Interestingly, we have learned things about each other which has been neat.
So, we have decided to take this to a new level. Madison has recently returned from a 6-month experience at Bodenseehof Bible School in Germany, a school connected with Torchbearers International. She will begin working at North Park Community Church as Director of Neighbourhood Engagement – Children and Youth.
As we often find ourselves in discussions about ministry and theology, we thought that it would be interesting to put these conversations in blog format.
So how will it work? After all, fail to plan, plan to fail.
There will be a blog post every week, alternating between us. Each weekend one of us will give the other a question that they must blog about. This blog will be posted by the end of the week. The questions can be broad – it could be about something we heard the other talking about, it could be with respect to a ministry idea they are engaging in or a leadership challenge they are working through.
The blog length is limited to 750-1,000 words. There may even be follow up questions from a blog that was previously written – one never knows.
In the end, we both enjoy blogging for our own benefit, to help us grow. Whether or not this blog has a huge following has always been distant goal. It is a process that works for us, and as such we do it out of joy, not obligation.
So, for those who are following us, we trust that this next season will be of benefit to you. And, if you believe someone you know should be following us, send them to the link, www.mattheweckert.com, and they can choose to follow the conversation as well.
As always, I sign off this blog with my signature note:
For the kingdom.