We are embarking on a new year, and even though practically speaking it is simply another 7 day week, culturally speaking, January has a unique way of forcing us to reflect on life and perhaps make changes to some aspects of our life.
So let’s stop and think about your role as one who guides others on the path of discipleship. How was last year? Was it successful? How would you define success?
Here are a few thoughts to ponder:
1) Were you consistent in connecting with those you committed to leading? I mean being physically present. Looking each other in the eye and having meaningful conversations. Did you consistently pray for each other when you were together?
2) Did you pray for them when you weren’t together? Were they on your mind during the week? Did you take time to present their concerns to God? Did you pray for things that you were noticing about them?
3) Did you intentionally guide them in the scriptures? How did you do this? Do you believe that they love the bible more than they did previously? Was it simply bible information or was there life transformation?
4) Did you lead them into new aspects of faith? Did you attempt new spiritual disciplines to stretch you, even if they felt unnatural?
5) Has your heart grown for them? Do you love them more? Does your heart ache for their growth and development in loving and following Jesus?
6) How are you doing? Do you still have a passion to see others grow? Has leading others on their journey of discipleship become boring or exhauating? Do you resent the time that you give to this aspect of your life?
What will 2016 be like for you? What do you need to change to ensure that those you have chosen to lead are getting your best, that you aren’t cutting corners and simply going through the motions? How do you need to fill your tank so that you are leading from the overflow of your heart?
A lot of questions to ponder and I don’t expect you to necessarily have answers to them all. Perhaps you have questions of your own that you’ve been pondering.
The big thing is this – reflect, think, ponder. It’s a new year.
For the kingdom.