For the past few years at this time, I have sent out a blog to remind all of us (this includes a reminder to myself) to continue to engage in our spiritual disciplines throughout the summer months, despite the different rhythms that often take over our time during the months of June –August. I am always reminded about this as a pastor when September comes in conversations with people who completely neglected any intentionality with respect to their walk with Christ over the summer months. They allowed the different routines to control their lives and this lack of intentionality has them looking to breathe in deeply once again in September to reignite their journey with Christ. This should not be the case. And as those who lead others on the journey of discipleship, it is a unique opportunity that we have to model something that is life-giving and to demonstrate how natural it is to engage with Christ through all seasons of the year.
I am 2 weeks into a three week vacation that I am thoroughly enjoying with my wife Janice. Being able to take this amount of time off is rejuvenating in so many ways. And in the midst of this time off and getting away, I knew up front that I wanted to engage with Christ as is my routine. In all of this, I like to look for the sacred space and sacred time that will be part of my life during the different segments of my vacation.
Our first week off was spent at a cottage in the beautiful Muskoka area of Ontario. Being up there is an amazing thing to behold in and of itself and for my wife especially, helps her to connect with God in deep ways. In the cottage where we stayed, there was a long, wood dining table that would seat around 16 people. I chose the one end of the table where I would spread out by bible, journal and another book that I was reading. Each morning became one hour of sacred time when I first woke up. Time to engage with scripture, write out prayers and reflect on life. I loved it immensely.
Our second week was spent in Paris, France, as we celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary. Each morning, around 6:30am, I made my way into the hotel lobby where I found a quiet table and chair. The space wasn’t fancy or beautiful per se, but for me each morning it became my sacred time and sacred space during that week away as I once again took out my journal and bible along with a book I was also reading. Each morning, for about 45-60 minutes, I enjoyed some fresh thoughts from scripture and prayers in my journal.
Sacred space and sacred time. As leaders of others, we are to live the life that we desire for those that we are leading. May we all choose to find the space and time this summer. Let’s also share about it with those that we are coming alongside. May it be an encouragement to us and to them.
For the Kingdom.