I recently shared the stage at a conference with my friend, mentor, ministry partner and colleague, Luch. He delivered one of his passionate talks at the conference of which I too was able to present. It was fun to do it together. In fact, we’ll be sharing the stage again in a couple of months along with his wife Rosetta.
Luch and I have connected for a long time – more than 25 years actually. I was in second year university when I met him at another event where he was speaking. During one of the breaks I told him that I wanted him to journey with me, to teach me how to be a disciple of Jesus. For the next three years Luch met with me on a regular basis. He taught me the importance of a daily “quiet time” with God – actually he modelled it more then taught it. He demonstrated to me the importance of prayer. I recall one occasion where we walked around one of the sports fields at the University of Guelph for at least 30 minutes praying and talking and looking at scripture as Luch helped me gain insight into a decision I needed to make at the time; as Luch said, we couldn’t gain insight without prayer and he wanted to live that out with me.
On more than one occasion Luch got annoyed with me and called out my laziness and lack of commitment to the discipleship process – I didn’t like him for it at the time, but he was always right. You see, that’s what people do when they care about you, they don’t want you to settle for second best.
Since those years at the University of Guelph our paths have crossed on many occasions. Sometimes we go extended periods without connecting, but when we do get together we simply pick up where we left off. We never have a problem going deep on a topic or with each other, we just know that we can trust each other and that we have each others’ back.
Since my initial 3-year journey with Luch, I’ve had the privilege of being a “Luch” to a lot of other guys. I’ve done my best to give to them what I have received. Some of these guys have become great friends like Luch and me. I can trust them fully, I know that they are there for me. Many of them have chosen to give to others what I gave to them because of what Luch gave to me. You see, it never ends, this process of discipleship always continues to the next generation.
We love the verse in 2 Timothy 2:2 “And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses, entrust to reliable men, who will also be qualified to teach others as well.”
It’s what we do, it’s what we will always do. O that you would be so fortunate to have a Luch in your life. If you have not, why not start the process and be a Luch to someone, you will never be disappointed.
For the kingdom.