I was listening to a podcast the other day about discipleship and the church. This continues to be part of my regular diet of ongoing learning, for me in my own desire to be a disciple and to come alongside others, as well learning about what others are doing and learning.
A comment by the person being interviewed was that this is a very difficult time to be a disciple of Jesus. He talked about the state of the world, the decline of the church, the political situation, and many other things – the standard stuff I’m hearing these days. He wasn’t pessimistic in any way from how I heard him, he was simply stating what he thought was fact. He was still very much engaged in the journey of being a disciple and coming alongside others.
Yet for some reason, this comment stopped me. And I asked myself – is this a difficult time to be a disciple of Jesus? Is this simply said as an acceptable comment to make among Christian leaders? (There are many of these types of comments actually that I’m starting to question. Perhaps some future blogs on this.)
I thought about other times in history starting with the time immediately following Jesus’ ascension and the start of the ecclesia. Surely that was difficult. Read the book of Acts and the many letters in the New Testament.
I thought about Christians in countries like Iran and the blatant persecution that goes on – surely that is a difficult place to be a disciple.
I’m currently reading the biography of Dietrich Bonhoeffer by Eric Metaxas – I highly recommend it. He stood up to the entire Nazi regime as well as the German church. Definitely a difficult time to be a disciple.
So when was it easy then? I was born in 1966 in Canada. Going to church in the 1970s and 1980s seemed rather acceptable. Surely to be a disciple during that time then could be thought of as being easy perhaps.
And then I wondered if this is even the wrong question to be asking and pondering. Could it be that being a disciple is neither hard nor easy. We may choose this way of looking at it because it seems difficult to give up those things that we love – a particular way of life, certain relationships, a desired health status, and on we could go.
Yet these things are simply saying more of what we believe about God and how we think he should interact with us and our circumstances, than it does about who God really is.
Being a disciple of Jesus, is to fully entrust ourselves to the life God has for us. To follow him no matter our life circumstances. That God is in control of all things, that his love for us can never be questioned, and that one day we will rule with him in a new heaven and a new earth.
Jesus told us up front that “in this world you will have trouble, but take heart, I have overcome the world.”
Can I be bold and declare that for me to say that being a disciple is difficult is to not believe who God is? By even giving myself permission to say life is hard being a disciple is to not believe the promises of God?
Perhaps I need to reflect on this some more. Yet being a disciple is simply to align myself with God, who designed everything, who is over everything, who will bring all things into submission. The same power that raised Jesus from the dead is now in me.
So is this a difficult time to be a disciple of Jesus? Has there ever been a difficult time?
Let the conversation begin.
For the Kingdom.